
Font Variant Css Mdn

Font Variant Css Mdn. All users all tracked tracked desktop tracked mobile. /* default is `normal` */ } before css3, this property accepted one of two possible values:

CSS fontvariant Property
CSS fontvariant Property from

It not only lists the css 1 and css 2.1 properties, but also is a css3 reference that links to any css3 property and concept standardized, or already stabilized. In css there are five generic font families: They create a modern and minimalistic look.

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The default font family is defined by the browser preferences. All users all tracked tracked desktop tracked mobile. To shorten the code, it is also possible to specify all the individual font properties in one property.

However, Numbers Are A Lot More Like Alphabet.

They create a sense of formality and elegance. This property controls the usage of alternate glyphs for numbers, fractions, and ordinal markers. Each letter uses its normal glyph.

We Tend To Think Of Numbers As A Static Glyph.

When a given font includes capital letter glyphs of multiple different sizes, this property selects the most appropriate ones. Overview table initial value normal applies to all elements inherited yes media visual computed value as specified animatable no css object model property fontvariant percentages n/a syntax. The font property is a shorthand property for:

It Prints And That’s The Way It Is.

In this example, the browser will try to use source sans pro if it's available. Each letter uses its small capitalized version. It not only lists the css 1 and css 2.1 properties, but also is a css3 reference that links to any css3 property and concept standardized, or already stabilized.

If It Can't Find It, It Will Try To Use Arial.

Css property that provides different ways of displaying numbers, fractions, and ordinal markers. In css there are five generic font families: The variant data type is the data type for all variables that are not explicitly declared as some other type (using statements such as dim, private, public, or static).

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